"Anoxia Queen" Crew 08 (Part 8)

Mission: 044 -  Sortie 12 / 35
             049 -  Sortie 16 / 35
             058 -  Sortie 21 / 21*

Date: January 04, 1944
        January  21, 1944
        Febuary  13, 1944*

Target: Kiel, Germany - Fried-Krupp Germania Werft A.G.
           Heuringhem, France - V.1 weapons contruction site
           Crequy - Ruisseauville, France - NOBALL 82A - V1 *

Aircraft Serial Number 42-39819 BI - F

Crew 08

Crewman                                                                Role
Jenkins, Walter S                                                     Pilot
Hall, Ray R                                                               Co-Pilot
Ruggiero, Frank J                                                    Navigator
Johnson, Stanley A                                                  Bombardier
Horn, Wendell, H                                                      Eng/Top Turret Gunner
Southward, Russell F                                               Radio Op/Gunner
Berke, LeRoy R                                                        Ball Turret Gunner
Henry, William R                                                       Waist Gunner
Rushing, Lynn O                                                      Waist Gunner
Soileau, Murphy                                                       Tail Gunner

*Ray Hall was the Pilot and Richard Mann was the Co-Pilot for Mission 058 / Sortie 21

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