Sgt. Daniel J.Miller's 11th Mission

Group Mission 84 - Rostock, Germany- April 11TH, 1944. Daniel was in Crew #6, and flew in A/C 42-32026 "Tis a Mystery".

The 40 aircraft of the 390TH "A" and "B" Groups attacked Rostock on the 11th of April, 1944. First phase photo interpretation stated that, for the "A" Group, the high explosive pattern was not distinguisable in the smoke and clouds. For the "B" Group, it stated that apparently the bombs fell into the existing smoke pattern at the lower end of the bay and built up area.

Clouds and contails prevented the Wing attacking the primary or the second target. Rostock, the last resort target, was bombed visually.

Although many enemy fighter attacks were seen, the hostile aircrafts did not attempt to engage the B-17's of the 390th which were flying a tight defensive formation.

Flak caused 21 of our aircraft to receive battle damage and 4 major battle damage. All of our aircraft returned safetly and there were no personnel casualities.

Eye Witness Accounts.
The following statements were made by combat crew members when interviewed in the briefing room on their return.

Lt Strawn: "Flak knocked out our oxygen system, hydraulic system and one engine, but you should have seen the way we left that target ...... a flaming hell."

Lt. Lipschitz: " I had a ringside seat when a bunch of JU 88's and ME 110's ganged up on the tail of a wing on our right. They swooped in three abreast, firing rockets and 20 mm. It was a terrific attack, but they knocked only one Fort out of formation."

Lt. Fitterman: "15 ME 210's roared out of the clouds over the Baltic, and broke up to attack the bombers in another wing in a group of five. The attacks were hard pressed."

Lt. Pease: "The formation set a beautiful pattern across the target. It was already flaming and smoking violently as our bombs went down concentrated in the smoke and fire."

Sgt. Kaufman: "A great red blaze stood out from the target area as our formation moved up for it's turn."

At 1140 hours at 5445N-1415E, 21 JU 88's were observed flying level and in the opposite direction to the wing ahead in line astern formation attacking with 20mm cannons from broadside level. Enemy aircrafts then circled to the right coming in from 9 o'clock level on the wing formation to the rear. The attacks on this wing were rockets attacks made singly. The enemy aircrafts went out to 1500 yards launching the rockets, then peeling to the left diving under. At 1325 hours near Warnemunde, 12 FW 190's were observed attacking the wing ahead from 11 o'clock to 2 o'clock level. Single attacks were made from line astern formation. Attacks lasted about 5 minutes. meagre to moderate continuous pointed fire was observed on the out lying cities around Rostock.

A Convoy, including 3 large ships, at 5434N - 1100E, headed 200 degrees true course. One crew reported vessels which looked like a pocket battleship in Mecklenburg bay at 1321 hours,escorted by 2 destroyers. 7 or 8 heavy bombers and at least 12 twin engine fighters observed on the ground at Tutow Airfield.

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