Sgt. Daniel J.Miller's 10th Mission

Group Mission 83 - Maldegem, Belgium- April 10TH, 1944. Daniel was in Crew #6, and flew in A/C 42-32026 "Tis a Mystery".

The 390TH "A" Group dispatched 21 aircraft and the 390TH "B" Group dispatched 15 aircraft on April 10th, 1944, when the enemy airdrone at Maldegen was sucessfully bombed. 35 of our bombers attacked the airdrome, a target of opportunity. Overcast prevented bombing the primary or secondary. Bombing was visual.

First phase photo interpretation shows the "A" Groups incendiaries bursting on the south dispersal area among hangers and workshops. The "B" Group IB's bursts were concentrated in the north dispersal area, with some hits on hangers and workshops. No fighters were seen.

Some flak was encountered, but there was no battle damage received, All our aircraft returned safetly, There were no personnel casualities.

Combat Crew Comments: When interviewed in the briefing room on their return, combat crew members stated the following.

Capt. Richter: "We snaked throught the flak fields of France without picking up any concentrated bursts, The nagvigation was topped off as our bombs hit the center of the airdrome, Workshops and hangers went flying in every direction."

Sgt.  T. H. Lewis: " Our bombs scored bulls-eye strike on the airdrome hanger. The target was quickly covered with fire and smoke, towering several thousand feet."

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